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Mirror Portrait

Am I Enough?

Do you have a deep-rooted feeling of “I’m not worthy”? Do you feel as though you are not enough? When you look into the mirror, what do you see?


  • Do you hide who you really are with your struggles, shame, regret, and failures?

  • Are you longing to be convinced that all of who you are - is truly loved by God and others?

  • Do negative emotions about yourself, who you are, and where you are going consume you and keep you from being the person you want to be?


Welcome. You are in a good place. I'm going to share with you some of the most important things I've learned in a decade of research and practice. This 6-part audio series is a blend of psychology, theology, and experience.


As many have said before me, you can only love others to the degree that you love yourself. Even the Bible says, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”.


It is only when you become willing to explore your darkness that you will discover the light of freedom found in forgiveness and having a healthy self-concept. In this series:


  • We will uncover where these negative emotions that you experience come from.

  • We will share how you can not only think, but feel worthy once again, and maybe for some, for the first time in your life.

  • And we will discover what elements and mental laws make up your self-worth and transform your stinkin’ thinkin’ to one of joy and forgiveness.


There is no charge for this. Now, we always need donations to keep all that we are doing to help others find the freedom and joy found in forgiveness – but please, that is optional.


Download the audio sessions and workbook. The more times you listen to the series, the faster you will achieve a healthy self-worth once again.


You are exceptional. You ARE worthy!

Next Level Forgiveness: Transforming Your Self-Worth

6 Session Audio Series + Workbook

Overview video to Transforming Your Self-Worth (2½ mins)

Session 1: Intro to transforming your self-worth
00:00 / 18:18
Session 2: Where did this thinking come from?
00:00 / 21:03
Session 3: Transforming negative thinking
00:00 / 12:33
Session 4: Building a postive self-concept
00:00 / 20:54
Session 5: Mental laws that shape your future
00:00 / 13:52
Session 6: See you, as God sees you
00:00 / 14:49

Great Message on Self-Worth

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